Jul 5, 2007
Sydney and Long Beach Together
You heard that Snoop Dogg is moving to Australia?

For real.

This from a country that when I type "Australia Rap" into the Firefox Google Search-Guess-Thing it predicts I will be searching for "Australia Rape."

If you want to learn more about Australian hip-hop, check the Wikipedia.

So Snoop could become for Australia what Michael Jackson is for Bahrain.

I really don't have any great insight on this right now. Snoop is moving there to "slow it down [and] enjoy the women."

This is like the Cavs getting LeBron James. Culturally speaking, Australia = Canada, rap scenes included. Right now, the biggest rap star between the two is Tom Green. But now? Snoop owns the South Pacific.

Maybe this'll help him get into England.

Check out That's That Shit for evidence on why the flyest girls are from the Chi.

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